You are here: Working with documents > Subscribing to documents > Viewing and removing subscriptions

Viewing and removing subscriptions

You can view all of your subscriptions at once with the subscriptions viewer in a web browser. You do so by opening the subscriptions viewer from within PowerUser. The subscriptions viewer opens in a new browser window. There you can filter and sort subscriptions to meet your needs and remove unwanted subscriptions.

Before you begin

A system administrator must have installed and configured subscriptions to use this command.

To view the subscriptions viewer:

  1. In PowerUser, on the Tools menu, click View Subscriptions. A page titled BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2016: Subscriptions viewer opens in a browser window similar to the following figure. The subscriptions are sorted on the column indicated by the arrow icon in the column heading. Your privileges to manage the subscriptions are shown at the bottom of the page.

  1. To change the sort order or select a filter:
    1. Point to a column heading, click the arrow button that appears, and click the sort option or filter that you want on the shortcut menu that appears.

      If you selected a sort option, the arrow icon appears in that column heading. If you selected a filter, the filter icon appears in that column heading.

To remove subscriptions:

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Subscribing to documents